Acute Lower Back Pain

Central Health Centre

The Health Centre offers a wide range of services, which include: 

  • Physiotherapy
  • Consultant Lead Clinics
  • Dentist
  • Smoking Cessation Clinic
  • Podiatry              
  • Child Health Department
  • Phlebotomy (Bloods)

The treatment room is run by qualified nurses employed by NHS Lanarkshire, who will deal with wounds, dressings, ear-syringing, etc.  

The treatment room is situated on the upper floor of the health centre and is open from 8 am – 6 pm. Appointments are by referral from the GP or practice nurse. A phone booking system is available 09:00 – 16:30. Tel: 01698 755025

Special Clinics

Ante-Natal Clinic -Tuesday and Thursday

NHS Lanarkshire Midwives run Ante-Natal Clinics for the practice which are currently being held in Kildrum Health Centre.

Child Health Surveillance Clinic

First visit at home by Health Visitor. GP will see the child between 6 - 10 weeks.

Family Planning

All doctors give Family Planning advice.

Cervical smears

Carried out by the Practice Nurse – appointments can be booked with reception.

Health Promotion Clinics

Health Promotion Clinics will be run by our practice nurses.   These include:

  • Well Woman
  • Well Man
  • Chronic Disease Management

Appointments for the above clinics can be made for any day Monday - Friday 08:30 – 17:45 by phone.

Travel Advice

Please contact your local Travel clinic for advice

Child Vaccination Clinic

The clinic is held in the Child Health Wing at Central Health Centre. Appointment will be sent by post.

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