Appointments at Caledonia Medical Practice

The practice is very aware that the current demand for appointments is at the highest it has ever been. The trend is seen throughout all GP practices in Lanarkshire and also across Scotland and the UK.  This letter is echoed across many practices.

The Kildrum Practice contract had been handed back to the health board by the then partners at that practice as they were unable to recruit enough GP`s. If we had not bid for it, there was the possibility that the patients at Kildrum would have been dispersed around the Cumbernauld practices in an unplanned manner further putting pressure on local practices who are already overstretched. Since we have taken over the Kildrum practice we have recruited 2 new GP partners .

However across primary care, the demand for appointments is far outstripping the supply that we are currently able and funded to provide.

The European Union of General Practitioners and BMA have recommended a safe level of patient contacts per day in order for a GP to deliver safe care at not more than 25 contacts per day.  All clinical staff in Caledonia and in most practices in Scotland are dealing with far in excess of that figure daily. This is compounded by the very long waiting times for hospital appointments – some in excess of 2 years meaning patients representing to their GP whilst awaiting hospital assessment.

Primary care in Scotland is given 8% of the NHS budget but delivers 80% of the patient contact within the NHS. There is an aging population with increasingly complex healthcare needs.

We would like to thank the majority of our patients who have been very patient and understanding of  the current struggles within the surgery , wider primary care and the NHS as a whole.

However there are some patients who have been rude and aggressive especially towards our reception staff and this will NOT be tolerated. We understand the frustration as we are patients ourselves but our admin staff have a very difficult job bearing the brunt of that frustration.  Whilst you may be frustrated , this repeated attitude demoralises our staff and is not tolerated by the NHS. We will be enacting a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards any aggressive or threatening behaviour.

We accept that you may wish to complain regarding appointments however please consider that reviewing and responding to these complaints takes time away from clinical care.


Be polite however frustrated you may feel

Treat the staff as you would like to be treated

If the staff advise you see another clinician other than a GP please accept that you are being offered the most appropriate clinician for your problem.

The wait for non emergency appointments may be longer as we must prioritise emergency presentations – please be patient.

Please lobby your MP/MSP to increase funding to NHS primary care.


Caledonia Medical Practice

April 2024

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